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Leo Daily Horoscope for Leo

Sunday, 23rd February 2025

You will finally realize your plans, after long and painstaking work, thanks to your patience, to your experience, which you have always known how to use, to your common sense and also because you have never lost sight of your objective. You will be objective, lively, competent, prudent and calculating. Your loving feelings are wide awake.

You will want to go out, to travel, to see friends. You will be on top form, really healthy, in good spirits. Everything depends on the position of Saturn in the birth chart.

Good time for love affairs: you will be in great form, and look handsome. You will certainly have an amorous adventure, you will travel to see your heart's choice, you will be in a good mood. Your feelings will be controlled, no passion.

Things will go along by themselves, without you having to bother about them.

You will undergo sudden changes which will force you to face up to your problems alone, without any help. You will certainly tend to go to excess, in a lazy, ill-considered and frivolous way. You will be tormented, melancholy, menaced, overwhelmed by an inexplicable dark feeling that something awful is going to happen.

You will quickly get annoyed, and easily provoked, you will become impatient very quickly.